It's highly likely that if you've been placing orders with us already, Jen will have helped you out along the way. Here's a bit about her!
How long have you worked at Flexible?
Only since April 2022, I am the newbie.
What did you do before you worked here?
I worked in the aluminium can-making industry, the papermaking industry and also, a very long time ago, as a primary school teacher.
What is your job title?
Office Co-Ordinator/Administrator
What are your main duties at Flexible?
A bit of everything, admin wise. I am here to keep things ticking over really.
Tell me about your family / home / pets.
Born and brought up in Lancashire, I have moved over the dark side (Yorkshire) in 2022. No pets, as I spend too much time away from home (apart from the Covid years).
What hobbies do you have – what do you enjoy doing at the weekends?
I love films, books and trivia quizzes. Until recently I ran a local pub quiz for a few years, which I put together myself. I also like to get out walking when I can.
Favourite food
Salt and Pepper chicken pieces from my local Chinese takeaway....or chocolate.
Hidden talent
It would have to be some weird film-related thing, like I can name all the actors who played the Magnificent Seven in the 1960 film (without Googling).
Have you ever met anyone famous?
I have met a few famous people but the nicest one was Bez from Happy Mondays. He was very sweet and let me take a photo of him with my friend who was a big fan.
Favourite holiday destination
San Francisco. I have been twice (even though I don’t like flying and don’t usually go back to places on holiday). It’s big enough to be a 24 hour city but small enough to walk around and the people are really lovely. Weather isn’t too bad either.